Many people are baffled and confused and cannot imagine what they need to do to be organized. Today, I want to help you start to think about some guidelines to follow when you are attempting to get and stay organized.
1. KNOW THY SELF. Those that are organized tend to know themselves very well. They are in tune with how to access information and products to create storage systems that reflect their preferences. They know how to simplify tasks to maintain order. They know how they prefer to work and live. They are clear about what they need and don't need. They know what they want in life and their priorities. Time and time again, I have worked with my clients to help them identify these aspects which are the foundation for getting and staying organized.
2. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT. There is a misconception out there that if you are organized, you are perfect in every aspect of your life. I am here to tell you that is not true! No one is organized in every aspect of their life, every day of their life. We all fall off the organized wagon from time to time (even me!). The difference is, organized people accept this as part of the process and simply get back on the horse and start again. If you are organized to begin with, it is easier to get back on track.
3. A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING, AND EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE. I credit my paternal grandmother for teaching me this adage. When you have a place to store your items, they have a home. If something doesn't have a place to be stored, you cannot put it away. Every coat or jacket needs a hanger to hang it on. If you don't have a hamper, your dirty clothes will land on the floor. Store items where you tend to use them most often and it will be easy to put them away and retrieve them when you need them.
4. CREATE ROUTINES. Organized people have routines throughout the day. Clear your desk at the end of your workday. Create a to-do list for the following day. Lay out your clothes for the next morning. Routines create stability for actions that need to be attended to regularly.
5. FINISH THE TASK. Those that are organized know that the laundry is not done until the clothes have been folded and put away. Dinner is not done until the table has been cleared and the dishes have been loaded into the dishwasher or washed by hand. Wrapping a present is not done until the supplies - scissors, tape, wrapping paper - have been put away. You are not finished until the task has been done to completion.
6. ANYONE CAN BE ORGANIZED IF THEY WANT TO. Being organized is a skill set. Anyone can learn tools to get and stay organized. Although it can come more easily to some, it does not mean it is not achievable. Being organized takes practice and maintenance.
If you are overwhelmed by your clutter and want to learn what it takes to get and stay organized, don't hesitate to contact me. I can show you, no matter where you are in life, how you can acquire the tools you need.
In the meantime, happy organizing!