This coming Monday, April 30th, I am privileged to be invited to conduct my very first webinar in conjunction with ADD Resource. I will be talking about "GETTING ORGANIZED THE ADD FRIENDLY WAY".
One of the major topics I will be covering has to do with Time Management. Do you know what time management is and how effective it can be when working to get organized and reduce stress? Very powerful.
Did you know that the average person will spend one year searching through desk clutter looking for misplaced items?
One hour of planning will save 10 hours of doing.
It costs over $200 in labor to track down a misplaced document or about $500 in labor to re-create it.
Anything you can do in your work day to improve efficiency and be more in control of your responsibilities means you are managing yourself in order to make the best use of your time.
One of the things I talk about in my upcoming webinar is doing what I call "The Brain Dump". I believe you should write everything down that is on your mind in order to eliminate the clutter in your head and the stress of trying to remember things.
The other thing I talk about is prioritizing. Planning your day to take care of the most important tasks and not wasting time on insignificant or unnecessary tasks will help you be more efficient.
Taking the time that is needed to focus on important projects and tasks and avoiding as few interruptions as possible is a great time management tool.
Having a good paper management system is place will reduce the amount of time it takes to locate what you are looking for.
There are many ways that you can better manage your time. These are only a few.
If you want to learn more about this topic and several others that affect adults with ADD, I invite you to attend my webinar on Monday, April 30, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. EST. It's free but the information I will be providing is so valuable.
Hope to see you on the call!
In the meantime, have a great week!