Well, I don't know about you, but I have no idea where last year went!
I must admit that most of my resolutions for 2009 were achieved. How about you?
If not, it's that time of year to re-evaluate and set new resolutions for 2010.
Don't make it too complicated. Keeping it simple will guarantee better success.
One of the topics I will be discussing in my upcoming "Living A More Organized Life" coaching program for busy moms involves just that - how to set goals, plan the steps to get there and actually achieve them.
If this is something you need some guidance with, I recommend that you sign up for my coaching program. If you know of anyone else who might be interested in this program, let them know.
I will be covering various topics throughout the year in four separate sessions scheduled for January, April, July and October. It's done over the phone so you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home to participate.
Visit my special web page at www.4abetterspace.com/coaching for more information.
The program starts on January 12th so don't miss out! Don't be one of those busy moms who misses the opportunity to learn how to "Live A More Organized Life!
Then, next year at this time, you will be able to look back and say that your New Years resolutions for 2010 were achieved too!
I can't wait to share another year with you showing you ways to get and stay organized.