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Friday, September 18 2009

I have always recommended to my clients that they make use of a "To Do" list. I even supply new clients with a note pad and pencil to get them started!  It is a  great time management tool and allows you to have that sense of accomplishment, when, at the end of the day, you see what you achieved.

However, sometimes people get too carried away with the concept and write down every little thing they need to do on the list.  I do not recommend that.  What sometimes happens is that you feel you cannot do something until that other thing gets done so that it never gets done and you schedule yourself so tightly that you are constantly referring to the list to make your next move.

You should look to your "To Do" list as a tool by which you learn to discipline yourself to write down only those things you can physically accomplish in a day.  If you list too many things, you tend to produce an overly ambitious litany that you can't possibly complete and which tends to lead to feelings of failure.  That can be very stressful.  The point of having a "To Do" list is the reduce the stress - by writing it down you get it off your head.  Be realistic about what you can accomplish. 

Choose to accomplish one major task per week instead of several in one day.  If you have a whole list of major tasks, put each one on a separate index card and keep them in an index box, pulling out one at a time.  When you have larger "To Do"s, take that index card and break down the steps it will take to accomplish your goal, putting them on the back of the card.  Focusing on one large task at a time will help you get more accomplished.

Let your "To Do" list fulfill it's essential role - to serve as encouragement and inspiring reminders to get the things done you'd like to accomplish.  Allow time to live your life.  Don't let your "To Do" list dictate every move you make.  Let life happen.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, reach out to me for help.  If you need assistance with this or any other organizational issues, simply contact me at A BETTER SPACE.  I will be more than happy to help. 

Wishing you an organized and productive week!







Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 01:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
I agree, breaking down projects into small manageable tasks is the only way to go. If I wait until I have a slot of time big enough for the whole project, it will never get done, and if I just start to plug away at it, I get frustrated.
Posted by Janet Barclay on 12/15/2010 - 07:22 AM

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