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Friday, August 15 2008

This month I celebrated another birthday - not telling you which one!  I decided that I wanted to make a life change and began working on taking more control of my health.  I have a history of eating poorly and not exercising and as a result was feeling sluggish and lazy.  I knew I could improve. 

So, I began by setting some goals for myself.  I decided I wanted to eat better and begin an exercise program.  I know myself well enough to know that if I jump in, full force, I will burn out and never accomplish my goals.  So I am taking it slow.

Beginning August 1st, I began making a conscious effort to eat 3 meals a day.  (I was only eating maybe 2 and lots of junk food to boot.)  I went by myself to the supermarket on July 31st and bought fruits, vegetables, fat free yogurt, whole grain breads and cereal, low fat milk, 100% juices such as apple, grape and orange, low fat peanut butter ( I love peanut butter!), and 94% fat free popcorn as well as whole grain crackers to snack on.

I decided to begin an exercise program, and again, taking it slow since I don't exercise at all except for when I am organizing clients' homes.  I decided to walk.  I love to walk in my community.  We have a great community park which draws lots of people from our neighborhood.  There are walking and biking trails, basketball courts, soccer fields and more.  I even enjoy just taking a walk around the streets in my area.  There are lush trees and the wonderful sounds of nature to enjoy.  Everyone says "hello" when they see you; it's just so nice.  So, it was a good choice for me to at least get myself out the door and moving around.  I walk about a half hour, which covers 2 miles, every other day.  I walk at a brisk pace and feel energized when I am done. 

I am taking vitamins too!  I decided to start with a woman's multi-vitamin and since I have a Vitamin D deficiency (most people do and don't know it), I supplement with a Vitamin D on a daily basis.

This was a good start for me.  I am paying close attention to the foods I eat, using portion control, exercising and taking vitamins.  In two weeks, I lost a couple pounds and overall feel so much better. Mentally, I am happier and more energized.  I feel that it is much easier to accomplish my day to day goals with a much clearer head.

I guess the moral to this story is that you can begin to organize your life by making small life changes that will make you feel better about yourself.  As a result, you will feel happier and more energized to accomplish those goals you wish to achieve.  Now, you can tackle that messy linen closet or those pantry shelves!  Taking small steps to get where you want to go will have a lasting effect.

I will keep you posted on my progress so you can follow along...

If you have any comments or questions about this topic or any other organizing issue you might have, feel free to contact me.  I will be more than happy to make your place A BETTER SPACE!

Have a great week!



Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 11:33 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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