Enough about taxes already! Hopefully you can put them behind you until next year at this point and move on to more important things. However, keeping in the same vein, a few Quick Tips for A Better Space when it comes to storing Appliances Warranties is worth mentioning.
When you purchase something that is covered by a warranty, tape or staple the receipt to the inside cover of the owner's manual, and write the date the warranty will expire on the cover, preferably in red.
For example, your mixer might have a 5 year warranty, so just add 5 years to the date of purchase and write that in red on the cover. Then, if something breaks, you can quickly see (without trying to read the fine print and the faded receipt) if the item is still covered.
In addition, I suggest storing the owner's manuals in a 3 ring binder with plastic pockets, near the point of the product's use.
For example, all kitchen appliances, such as the coffee maker, microwave, etc., can be put into a binder in the kitchen near your cookbooks. Another binder in the garage can have the manuals for the lawnmower, the leaf blower, and other garden and yard tools.
For major appliances that will stay with the house if and when you sell, can be filed in a folder in your file cabinet, so you can pass them onto the new owners.
The new owners will be so thankful to know when the furnace, water heater, alarm system, etc., were installed, and who did it. It can make it much easier to know where to get the right replacement parts, who to get for service, and so on.
Hope these Quick Tips help! Let me know what you think!
If you have any suggestions of your own, send them to me and I might use them in future blogs to share with others.
For more information and assistance on this topic or any organizing issue you might have, feel free to contact me. I will be more than happy to help you reach your goals for organization and make your place A Better Space.
Have a great week!