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Thursday, April 07 2016

The other day I heard an oldie on the radio and it prompted me to think about clutter.  Strange, I know, but hear me out.  

Do you know the song "How Long Has This Been Going On?" by Ace

I find that I ask this question with so many of my clients when I first speak with them and now, I want to ask you the same question.

Do you have ongoing clutter issues that won't go away?  Do you think your situation can be remedied overnight?  

The fact remains that if your clutter has been accumulating for quite some time - months, even years - it will take some time to eliminate it and get organized.

The good news is, however, that it can be done!   

I know how overwhelming it can be.  Sometimes you feel that it is just easier to ignore it. Is that the real solution?  No!

At some point it needs to be dealt with, so why not now?  

Just imagine what it would be like to walk into a particular room (or perhaps many rooms in your home) and feel that immediate sense of calm.  Eliminating clutter and getting organized can do just that!  

Sometimes it is so overwhelming that you don't know where to start.  Sometimes the answer is to reach out for help and hire a professional.  

You and I both know that if we cannot do something on our own, the best solution is to engage the services of a professional.  I do it!  I hire an electrician, plumber, handyman.  Why? Because I don't always know what I am doing and it will take too long for me to figure it out on my own. Also, I want it done once and I want it done right.

The same applies when it comes to clutter and disorganization. Don't you want it done once and for all and don't you want it done right?  Wouldn't it be great to have someone come in who can provide a new perspective and create a solution that meets your specific needs and provide ideas you might never have thought of before? 

As a professional organizer who has specialized in residential organizing for so long, trust me, I know how to do it once and do it right!

So, ask yourself.  HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON?  If your answer is months or even years, and you are ready to get past this obstacle and commit to the process, it's time to reach out for help.  Simply pick up that phone now and contact A Better Space.  You'll be so glad you did!  I would love to provide you with a space that you love. 


Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 10:50 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, March 02 2016

As a professional organizer, I work with a lot of very creative people.  Many of my clients have so many creative talents or have a passion for creativity, including artwork.

One of the more common issues that comes up is how and where to display their artwork.  

I love art in many forms and can appreciate the passion to collect it.  However, it can become clutter.

It is very important to keep in mind, when purchasing artwork, that you are able to visualize where it is going to live when it arrives in your home.  

Just like everything else in life, all of it cannot be your favorite.  If you tend to hang everything you own on all of the walls in your home, you are defeating the purpose of featuring the art that you love.  It just becomes clutter.  Artwork needs to be appreciated and it cannot if it is surrounded by lots of other pieces.  It does not stand out from the crowd.  When viewed, you are distracted by all of the other pieces around it.  It is important to hang your artwork sparingly and in a way that complements your decor.  You want to be particular about what you display on your walls

Here are some basic rules to follow:

1.   Use your artwork to balance your room's visual space.  Sometimes large art can feel overwhelming but, if you are aiming for it to be your room's focal point, the rules can change.   Rows of smaller pieces in idential frames and mats make the arrangement a piece of art in itself.  The symmetry draws your eye into the frame itself, emphasizing the art inside.  For a more eclectic arrangement, try mixing and matching size.  Also, aim to keep your art at eye level.  Most people tend to hang their art too high to be truly appreciated.    

2.  Determine the format you wish to use.  Most interior designers airm for a rule of three or an odd number when hanging art arrangements.  Interestingly enough, odd numbered displays tend to feel more balance.  If you choose to go with even numbers, a grid can help balance out the display's visual space.  If you want to make the room look longer, make the display horizontal.  If you want the ceilings to look higher, hang your display vertically. The other alternative is to simply arrange your artwork organically.  Just do what you think looks best, but be sure to plan it out first.  You can arrange the pieces on the floor in front of your wall first, and then move to the wall and mark their places lightly with a pencil. 

3.  Select your style. You can stick with one style, color or artist for a more cohesive look.  This tends to work best in a more refined space with a single framing style.  If you want to be more playful, hang clocks and mirrors on the wall along with other 3 dimentional elements.  Although variety can be interesting, try to find a way to have some elements tie the display together, whether it is frames of the same color or art with the same type of finish.  

4. Tell a story.  A gallery wall should depict who you are and what makes you happy.  Be sure to build your wall with meaningful items.  Start by using one inspirational piece that can be the guide to choosing all of your selections.  You don't necessarily need to put this piece in the center.  Be creative!   

5.  Now you are ready to hang it up.  Groupings look best when the items are spaced close together (approximately 1 to 2 inches apart).  Begin by hanging your middle pieces at eye level (about 5 feet off of the floor) and then build around them. 

Artwork is an easy way to enhance your home decor if it is done correctly and does not end up looking like clutter on the walls.


Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 09:57 am   |  Permalink   |  4 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, February 16 2016

Are you a busy mom?  So many of my clients are.  They have young children and/or teenagers.  They either work full-time out of the home, part-time at home or are a stay-at-home mom.  Their life is filled with time constraints, a long list of things to do and a feeling of overwhelm.  Their husbands are great but they just can't seem to understand what it's like to manage it all.  

Does this sound familiar? 


I want you to know that I get it!  I feel your overwhelm and frustration.  I know how you have tried to get your home and your life organized, but just can't seem to get it done. I want you to know that it is normal to feel that you are a failure and you just can't understand how this happened!  I know that your expectations of yourself and your spouse's expectations of you are more than you can live up to.  But the truth is, you are not a failure!  

So many moms tell me "I know how to get organized, but I just can't."  I speak with so many moms who contact me simply because they feel frozen and overwhelmed.  

want you to keep in mind that gathering great ideas on "how" to get organized is not always enough. Just having the ideas does not necessarily create enough time, space, discipline and motivation to actually carry through your ideas.

The reality is, it's just not enough to think you can do it.  You need to stop wasting your time and move forward. The longer it goes on, the worse it will become.  I am here to help you stop the chaos and get organized, once and for all.  And the good news is, I am just a phone call away! 

I urge you to acknowledge that it's time to pick up that phone and contact me.  I ask that you think enough of yourself to reach out to me and get some help.  There is no shame in admitting you are overwhelmed.  Busy moms like you are, more so than not, frustrated, overwhelmed and not even sure how to begin the process. These are the most common statements I hear when I get that phone call.  

Are you ready to stop feeling this way and learn the tools you need to get and stay organized? I work with busy moms just like you to help carve out the time, create a solid plan and keep you motivated to get the job done. 

Follow through on your intent to have A Better Space, because thinking about it is just not enough.

I will be here when you are ready.

Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 01:06 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, February 08 2016

So many times, my clients and potential clients want to know how I do it.  How do I keep my own home organized when I am so busy organizing others?  I found a video on line that explains, quickly, how it gets done. 

The key is maintanence on a small scale.  It does not require a lot to keep it going after the initial organizing has been completed.

When you have a home for everything and everything is put in its place, it is easy to keep it maintained.  

I hope this short video gives you some ideas and inspiration about what to do after your home gets organized. Knowing how to maintain an organized home is the second step in getting organized.

If you are looking to take that first step and create a home and life that you "love" this month, don't hesitate to contact A Better Space.

I am here to help and have lots of great ideas and inspiration so you can maintain your home on a daily basis, too!


Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 01:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, January 12 2016

I know it's been a while since I last wrote a blog.  I have been spending some much needed time on my own home for a change.  

I decided at the end of 2015 that I was going to go through my home and thoroughly declutter, clean and organize each and every room of my home. I had been so busy last year organizing others that I, unfortunately, neglected my own home.  It was quite an undertaking, I must admit, but the results are great!

I feel so much better when I walk throughout my home now.  I went through my second floor in November and the first floor in December and am finishing up my basement this month.  

I took time to assess my possessions and ask myself if I really needed everything I had.  The answer was an astounding "NO"! I went through my wardrobe, including my collection of shoes and accessories, got rid of old nick knacks that no longer represented who I am, organized closets, cabinets, shelves, drawers and hung some new artwork.  I gathered quite a large number of items for donation and for sale and a lot for the trash.

I organized my home office to get ready to rock it in 2016 and moved old files and paperwork into my storage area of my home to archive.  I went through all of my filing cabinets and got rid of four boxes of paperwork at a recent shredding event too.  

One of the things I paid attention to was whether or not I needed to repurpose any of the areas of my home.

When was the last time you did that?  When was the last time you looked around your home and identified areas or rooms in your home that no longer serve you?  

Have your children grown up and no longer need a play room?  Has one of your children gone off to college or gotten married and no longer lives at home?  Is that well-intended exercise room no longer being used?  Do you no longer spend time in the living room, but rather use the family room instead?

It is so important to use your real estate.  If a room in your home is no longer being used as it was originally intended, it's time for a change.

Start to re-purpose a room by eliminating what no longer suits you.  Determine how that space can be better used and re-create a room that you love.  Add a fresh coat of paint and perhaps an area rug to give it a fresh look. 

Perhaps you do not have a home office and the paperwork in the home ends up everywhere.  Wouldn't it be great to have a dedicated room where all of the paper management in the home can live?  You could turn your unused living room or a bedroom into a home office.  

How about that sitting room you have always wanted?  How about taking an unused bedroom and creating a dressing room?  The possibilities are endless.  

You don't need to have a living room if you don't use one.  You don't need to keep a bedroom unused.  It could become a home office, a work-out room, a sitting room or whatever you have envisioned that you would like to have.

Take some time and go through your own home and look at it with fresh eyes and see how you can repurpose your home.  "The purpose" of your home is to create an environment that you use and love to spend time in.

If you need assistance creating a room that you love, some interior redesign might be the solution.  Feel free to contact me to talk about your particular situation.

Until next time, happy organizing!   

Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 03:20 pm   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email
Monday, November 09 2015

I have been working with clients for over 11 years, and over the course of that time, I have spoken with hundreds and hundreds of people.  

Although I have been able to help so many people over the years, sadly, there are still so many who chose not to move forward and get organized.  Are you one of them? 

When it comes right down to it, it's not the money nor the time involved that is used as an excuse to not move forward.  If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get it.

The real reason is fear.  There are so many reasons that fear gets in the way.  Here are some that I think are most common.

1.  Fear of losing the memory if you let go of something.  I always say the memory will remain in your head and in your heart.  Taking a picture can help remedy this, as well.  

2.  Being afraid you will upset the person who gave you something that you are not particularly fond of.  I call that "Gift Guilt".  Why not pass that "something" onto someone else who can make better use of it and enjoy it instead of storing it somewhere, unused.  

3.  Envisioning that it will be difficult to make changes in the way you do things and have to build all new habits.  It is not as difficult as you might think.  I make it a point to provide solutions that are customized to my clients' particular style, so the changes feel more natural.

4.  Focusing more on what it will cost - in time, money or effort.  The value in getting organized quickly becomes obvious and outways the cost.  Investing in yourself is invaluable.  Making positive changes can last a lifetime.   

5.  Feeling embarrassed to show anyone, including a professional such as myself, the fact that you live in such a cluttered or disorganized home.  From the first time that we meet, my clients recognize that I am non-judgmental.  I find that it is not as bad as they think it is.  That is because my focus is on the potential of a given space and formulating a plan of action to provide "a better space" that we can envision for a particular room or an entire home.  Although I do see the present condition, I can see "the forest through the trees"!  

6.  Being afraid of letting go because you think you will end up needing that item again some day. I call that "someday syndrome" and explain how that can be detrimental. 

7.  You have a fear of failure.  You think that your attempts to get organized won't work. On the contrary, the systems that I put into place do work because they are so easy to maintain.  Again, that is because they are customized, so they are a natural solution that meet your specific needs and coincide with how you function.   

Which of these sound familiar to you? What are you afraid of?

On a day to day basis, living in fear only results in people remaining in a cluttered environment.  

As we work together to create longlasting results, I spend time coaching my clients and get them past their fears.  This is what creates the positive changes in their lives that they can experience for years to come.  

Unfortunately, some never experience that change because of their overwhelming fear. Are you familiar with the quote by Albert Einstein: "Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"? 

If you want different results, you have to do things differently and that involves change. Admittedly, the fear of the unknown can be scary, but with the proper guidance from a professional organizer, such as myself, can you past your fears and onto a much more organized and happy life that is much less stressful.

We have all been there.  I have certainly gotten past fears stepped out of my own comfort zone throughout my life, so I know how it feels.  Getting to the other side of fear, however, provides a profound sense of relief and freedom.  Opportunities open up when you open yourself up to change.  

This holds true when you let go of the obstacle of fear in relation to getting organized. What waits for you on the other side is peace, serenity, time, room to breathe, reduced stress and control of your surroundings. It's so freeing!  

If you want a life without clutter, you need to know that it is possible if you just get past your fears.  You simply need to take action!  Take that first step and don't be afraid to reach out for help. I am here for you.

Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 10:20 am   |  Permalink   |  6 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, October 01 2015

Most people these days understand what a Professional Organizer does.  We have come a long way from the days when people thought we were a cleaning service or an interior designer.  We have magazines, newspaper articles, social media and the like to thank for that.  Over the years, since I began my business in 2004, you cannot miss seeing tips on how to eliminate clutter, get organized, set up a garage sale, etc.  

However, I still get the question from time to time "So, what is it that you do exactly?".  

I thought this might be an opportunity to explain in greater the detail just exactly what a Professional Organizer, such as myself, does to help my clients get and stay organized, and the advantages of hiring a professional, as opposed to going it alone.

First of all, you do not need to be a packrat or a hoarder to need the services of a Professional Organizer.  Although most professional organizers are skilled in these areas, there are so many other areas that we help with.

For example, there are those that are overwhelmed, not sure how to begin, too stressed out, too limited with their time causing an organizing project to take them too long to complete on their own, unable to envision a room or an entire home that is de-cluttered and organized, or in need of new ideas for space planning, interior redesign, paper management systems, tools for better time management.    

Sometimes, a husband and wife will hire a professional organizer because one of them tends to be neater than the other and is frustrated.  They cannot motivate their spouse to "get onboard".  A third party like me can be objective and provide an unbiased, new perspective of the situation and find the middle ground that works for both spouses, relieving the strain this issue is causing in the marriage.

What you see on TV shows such as Hoarders or other reality TV shows sometimes provide a distorted idea of what is involved. In reality, your clutter problems cannot be solved in a 30 minute episode.  

There is more to being a professional organizer than just setting up three containers marked "Keep", "Toss" and "Donate" and shopping for product that will magically transform your space into a home that looks like a designers catalog. The key is "comfort".  Providing a space or a home that you enjoy spending time in is the goal.    

A misconception is that you are "lazy" if you cannot get organized on your own.  I hear this time and time again from women who tell me that their husbands cannot understand why they just can't do it themselves.  I always say, if they could, they would have by now.  

As a Professional Organizer, I am trained and skilled to help people overcome the obstacles they are facing and create order in a comfortable setting and put in organizational systems that will work in the long term.  I always provide customized options to meet my clients' specific needs.  I have many resources available to me that I share with my clients, including contractors, organizing products, donation sites, etc. that they might not be aware of.  I help make those decisions about "what" to keep, trash and donate when my clients are not sure.  

One of the biggest benefits of working with a Professional Organizer is their ability to set up a system that will prevent you from falling back into old habits that no longer serve you.  My focus is not on the "stuff", but the person and tapping into what works best for them.  

Sometimes, I work with clients who are preparing for change in their life - whether it be a new baby, empty nesters, new business, downsizing and staging a home for sale.  The list goes on.    

Organizing is more complex than just "picking up your stuff" and paying someone to haul it out of your house. It's about dealing with tangle items, time management issues and the anxiety of finding a solution. 

These are some of the top reasons that I am contacted to help get people organized:

1. They don't know how to get organized or where to start.

2.  They don't have the time to spend doing it all on their own.

3.  They want that accountability partner and motivator to keep them on track to get the job done.

This is not a situation where, like on TV, you leave, I do all the work, and you come back to a big reveal.  We are a team and we work together to provide you with the best solutions that meet your specific needs.  No television show, book or magazine article can provide that.  

That is what A BETTER SPACE provides and now, you no longer have to ask "So, what is it you do, exactly?"

If you are ready to get past that feeling of overwhelm and frustration that the clutter or lack of systems in your home which is keeping you from moving forward, don't hesitate to contact me.  I am more than happy to speak with you about your particular sitation and provide you with solutions that work.  

You deserve A BETTER SPACE!


Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 01:07 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, September 17 2015

So, now that the kids are back at school and the Fall season is just days away, many of us are looking to shed a few of those pounds we gained over the Summer.  Blame it on the Summer treats such as ice cream, those barbecues and parties with friends and family and perhaps lack of exercise due to the hot temperatures outside. However it happened, you are considering going on a weight loss program.

Well, I have a weight loss program we can all be successful at.  Are you ready?

I would like to see you shed the "pounds" of clothing in your closets and dressers!  Yes, you heard me.  You can loss pounds.  

So many of my clients have an abundance of clothing in their wardrobe.  It is easy to put on the pounds (of clothing) but, just like other weight loss programs, not always as easy to shed them.  

We go to the store or go online and start shopping.  We come home with those new items we just can't live without and, boom, over time, our wardrobes grow to the point where we no longer know what we have or no longer wear all the clothing we have.   

Do you know that statistics show that we wear twenty (20%) percent of our clothes eighty (80%) percent of the time? That means that eighty (80%) percent of our clothing we purchase and never wear or keep and no longer wear but keep it anyway.  I find that astonishing!  

I guarantee that if you went through your wardrobe, you could identify "pounds" of clothing that you've bought and have never worn or purchased a long time ago and no longer wear.

I challenge you to see how many pounds you can shed just by going through your wardrobe and eliminating those items.

This is a guaranteed weight loss program you can be successful at, and reach your goal very quickly.  

If you are feeling overwhelmed and don't know where to start, I am here to help.  I can help you to go through your wardrobe in a systematic way to help you make choices about what to keep and what to donate or toss (or in some instances, consign) so that you can have a wardrobe you make use of and enjoy. I will help to create a wardrobe that fits your current lifestyle.  It will feel like a brand new wardrobe!

Let's eliminate about eighty (80%) percent of your weight when it comes to your clothing.  Just imagine how good that will feel!

Contact me if you want to discuss your particular situation.  I want nothing more than for you to be successful! 

Take the first step to shedding some pounds today!  

Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 09:57 am   |  Permalink   |  4 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, August 27 2015

Last week I had the privlege of working with a new client who asked me to help her organize her Sun Room.  It is a room in her home that her husband has not been able to enjoy for several years due to the clutter that had been building up on the furniture and floor in the room.  It was intended to be a quiet get away from the hustle and bustle of every day life.  That was not the case.  It only created anxiety and frustration due to the amount of clutter it contained.

My client wanted to get this room organized for her husband as a birthday present for him.  I gladly took on the assignment.

The clutter in the home had gotten to the point of it being so bad that it was affecting the couple's marriage.  The marriage was on the verge of ending if the clutter that had been accumulating for many years was not cleaned up.  My client was stuck.  She was overwhelmed and did not know where to even begin.

This is a situation that, unfortunately, I am all to familiar with.  Clutter can, in fact, cause permanent damage to a marriage if it gets out of control and cannot be remedied by the spouse who created it.    

Needless to say, my client recognized that she needed help in order to get the house back in order and begin to work on saving her marriage.  She hoped that the Sun Room would be the first of several projects we would work on together.    

My client had asked her husband, unbeknownst to him that it was going to be a present for him, if he had a choice, which room in the home he would like to see organized.  He said the Sun Room.  He expressed to her that he was extremely doubtful that this room could ever return to its normal condition, let alone in one session, but was willing to have me come into the home and work with his wife.

And so, the project began.  For four hours, my client and I went through the contents that had piled up in the room and either relocated it to the proper room elsewhere in the home, organized it within the room, or threw it away.  With some interior redesign, I created the clutter free and spaceous room that he desired.  

My client was so thrilled with the outcome by the end of the session that she cried and hugged me, thanking me profusely for creating A Better Space for her husband to enjoy.  She was hopeful that when he came home, he would be as excited as she was and would ask me to come back to do further work with his wife in their home.

Before I could even get back to my office following this session, I received a phone message from my client advising that her husband did, in fact, walk through the door and was "blown away" by what had been accomplished and, following their vacation, intends to have me return to do other projects in the home.

I was thrilled that I was able to bring such joy to both of my clients and get such a great reaction from the husband.

In a lot of instances, my clients are not able to visualize how such a cluttered space can become A Better Space, but, fortunately, I can.  

Unlike my clients who cannot see past the clutter, as a professional organizer, I am able to see the potential of any given space and, with that, can bring their dream of a clutter free and organized room to fruition.

If you want to be "blown away", contact A Better Space so we can discuss your particular situation and how I can make this happen in your home!  

Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 09:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, August 12 2015

As you probably already know, I focus my professional organizing business on residential organizing and helping busy moms and women with home-based businesses.  

I not only physically declutter their homes but, often times, work with them to organize their paperwork.  As a rule, I always ask them questions about various aspects of paper management, including financials.  Usually we are creating a new filing system that reflects their specific needs, which requires me to ask about various aspects of their financial picture.  

Quite often I meet with women who are unable to answer some of my questions when it comes to the household finances. Some do not know what bank accounts exist, if they have a life insurance policy, if they have an investment portfolio or what company holds their mortgage.  I met with someone recently who could not even tell me if their house had been paid off.

Often I meet women who never get involved with their own marital financial assets. They don't pay the bills, ask about retirement, look at credit card statements, inquire about investments or bank accounts, and they let their spouses handle all financial matters.

It is hard for me to imagine that women are so trusting of their spouses that they simply let them handle everything without knowing what is going on.  I find it frightening.  

When I was 36 years old, my husband passed away, leaving me to raise my 6-1/2 year old son.  I was immediately able to jump in and handle all of the finances and was able to quickly transfer utilities, investments, bank accounts, the deed to our home and other financial aspects to myself.  Why?  Because I knew where everything was located and what we had.  

Ladies, as someone who has had personal, first hand experience with the sudden loss of a spouse, I ask you to please be informed. Whether because of death or divorce or even incapacity of your spouse, you need to always know what is going on.  There is no problem with your spouse handling it all, but there is a problem with you not being informed!  

Take time to look at bank statements, credit card bills, mortgage statements, meet with your financial advisor, ask questions and sit down with your spouse so that you can talk about all aspects of your financial picture.  Be sure you know what your credit score is. Establish your own credit by opening a major credit card in your name only, if you have not done so already.  

Continue the conversation from time to time with your spouse so you are always aware of your particular situation.  

I cannot stress enough how passionate I am about making sure that we, as women, are knowledgeable about these matters. We cannot solely depend upon our spouses to handle it all and keep ourselves in the dark.  Don't let another day go by without having the conversation.  You have a right to know, so take the steps necessary.  Knowledge is so empowering!


Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 02:53 pm   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email

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