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Tuesday, January 12 2016

I know it's been a while since I last wrote a blog.  I have been spending some much needed time on my own home for a change.  

I decided at the end of 2015 that I was going to go through my home and thoroughly declutter, clean and organize each and every room of my home. I had been so busy last year organizing others that I, unfortunately, neglected my own home.  It was quite an undertaking, I must admit, but the results are great!

I feel so much better when I walk throughout my home now.  I went through my second floor in November and the first floor in December and am finishing up my basement this month.  

I took time to assess my possessions and ask myself if I really needed everything I had.  The answer was an astounding "NO"! I went through my wardrobe, including my collection of shoes and accessories, got rid of old nick knacks that no longer represented who I am, organized closets, cabinets, shelves, drawers and hung some new artwork.  I gathered quite a large number of items for donation and for sale and a lot for the trash.

I organized my home office to get ready to rock it in 2016 and moved old files and paperwork into my storage area of my home to archive.  I went through all of my filing cabinets and got rid of four boxes of paperwork at a recent shredding event too.  

One of the things I paid attention to was whether or not I needed to repurpose any of the areas of my home.

When was the last time you did that?  When was the last time you looked around your home and identified areas or rooms in your home that no longer serve you?  

Have your children grown up and no longer need a play room?  Has one of your children gone off to college or gotten married and no longer lives at home?  Is that well-intended exercise room no longer being used?  Do you no longer spend time in the living room, but rather use the family room instead?

It is so important to use your real estate.  If a room in your home is no longer being used as it was originally intended, it's time for a change.

Start to re-purpose a room by eliminating what no longer suits you.  Determine how that space can be better used and re-create a room that you love.  Add a fresh coat of paint and perhaps an area rug to give it a fresh look. 

Perhaps you do not have a home office and the paperwork in the home ends up everywhere.  Wouldn't it be great to have a dedicated room where all of the paper management in the home can live?  You could turn your unused living room or a bedroom into a home office.  

How about that sitting room you have always wanted?  How about taking an unused bedroom and creating a dressing room?  The possibilities are endless.  

You don't need to have a living room if you don't use one.  You don't need to keep a bedroom unused.  It could become a home office, a work-out room, a sitting room or whatever you have envisioned that you would like to have.

Take some time and go through your own home and look at it with fresh eyes and see how you can repurpose your home.  "The purpose" of your home is to create an environment that you use and love to spend time in.

If you need assistance creating a room that you love, some interior redesign might be the solution.  Feel free to contact me to talk about your particular situation.

Until next time, happy organizing!   

Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 03:20 pm   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email
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Great creative ideas! I knew a woman who ran a home-based business, and she used the living room (which was at the front of the house) as her office so clients could come to see her and not have to enter her personal space. That was brilliant!
Posted by Janet Barclay on 03/25/2016 - 03:15 PM
I repurposed a room before I even moved into my new home in 1998. What was supposed to be a family room became a large dining room to accommodate my furniture instead of the builder's idea of creating a pony wall in my living room to act as a dining room. That would have never worked for me. I had no need for a living room and family room on the first floor of my home. To this day, this layout works well for me as the dining room is right across from my kitchen in one large space.
Posted by Audrey Cupo on 03/28/2016 - 11:57 AM
Great ideas for repurposing space instead of things.
Posted by Jill Robson on 04/13/2016 - 07:42 PM

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